
PBI Batting Tee Drills Book (Download)

PBI Batting Tee Drills Book (Download)

Written by Minnesota Twin's Doug Bernier, this book of batting tee drills is over 60 pages of drills and techniques, easily explained with online HD video to accompany.  It is a quality batting tee book that any parent or coach can use as a guide for coordinating tee work.  
Other features of the book include:
  • The Personal Drill Helper chart to diagnose & fix swing problems by identifying which drills specifically address 
  • High quality, full-color pictures and diagrams
  • Intermediate / Advanced batting tee drills (ages 12 through pro)
  • FULL COLOR illustrations and diagrams
  • FREE VIDEOS to illustrate the drills, ensuring clarity and proper mechanics
  • No partner needed; Perfect for solo practice or one-on-one coaching
  • Bonus pro tips for hitting and to help you get the most out of your hitting drill practice time
Doug’s purpose-based approach to batting drills makes this book a must-have resource for players at any level.  These tee drills are simple and EFFECTIVE – frequently used by Major League hitters, but also excellent for youth baseball players.  Whether for youth baseball, high school or college, these baseball hitting drills will help players develop a mechanically sound and effective baseball swing.This book teaches the WHY and HOW of tee drills you”ll be using for the rest of your baseball career – from the youth leagues to the big leagues.
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PBI Batting Tee Drills Book (Download)


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